Return of Tennis to Giffnock
(UPDATED ON 22nd JUNE 2020)

Great to see tennis returning back to Giffnock on 29th May! What a day it was –
As the lockdown continues and restrictions are still in place, we remind our members about the additional rules to play tennis safely.
The key points are:
- Only singles play or doubles where the partners are from the same household
- You must book a court in advance to play; you cannot use a court without booking even if it is free. This is required for track and trace.
- Please leave the court 5-10 minutes before the end time to help ensure social distancing
- Please avoid touching common surfaces such as doors and nets and other members’ balls
- The Scottish Government rules apply so you can only play against two other households in a day (on the main courts)
Please watch the “Safe Return of Tennis to Scotland” video:
Full rules can be found on Tennis Scotland website: Tennis Scotland Guidance.
Please note that, as per the guidance, the Club is not permitted to provide access to the clubhouse, including toilet facilities, although we are actively campaigning to overturn this rule.
We are all relying on each other to be allowed to continue to play so it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the rules and watch the video before you come down to the club to play.
Court Booking
Court booking is available to all tennis members. You must book a court in order to play, you cannot use a court without booking even if it is free.
The policy for court booking during this phase will be as follows:
- Court booking will be free of charge initially
- You can book right up to the start time
- Courts can be booked 6 days in advance (Juniors and Student members can only book during the day 6 days in advance or 2 days in advance for peak times)
- Minis can only book mini courts (see below)
- First slot to book will be 9am (10 am on Sunday)
- Last slot to book will be 9.30pm
To maximise court usage members are also asked to book courts times back to back to avoid half hour gaps. If you can play during the day, please do so to help us manage demand.
Mini Courts
We can only open the mini courts for mini members subject to a parent present to play. There is no additional charge for parents playing with their child. Parents are responsible for the social distancing of their child at all times. Only one household per court is allowed, i.e. a parent & child from one household are not able to play another parent & child from a different household on the same Mini court. If we cannot achieve social distancing on the mini courts, these may be removed from use.
2 of our mini courts will be available to book, with the middle court taken out of use to help ensure social distancing.
Court booking usage will be for 45 minutes
Coaching is currently allowed only on a strictly one-to-one basis. A coach can only coach members from one household in one day, coaching of members from different households on the same day (even on one-to-one basis) is not permitted under the current guidance. Please contact any of the coaches to arrange private lessons.