Quiz Night – Holiday Weekend – 24/09/21
Last Friday of the month is the Quiz night! Join the fun with The Quiz Inquisitor this Bank holiday weekend. Looking forward to welcoming our quiz regulars at the clubhouse and hoping to see a few new faces.
Last Friday of the month is the Quiz night! Join the fun with The Quiz Inquisitor this Bank holiday weekend. Looking forward to welcoming our quiz regulars at the clubhouse and hoping to see a few new faces.
Open Mic Night is back and will be live in the club on Friday 17th September from 8pm. A great line up awaits with our regular 'virtual' performers as well as a few new faces. Come and join in or simply enjoy some drinks accompanied by brilliant music. We ask anyone wishing to [...]
Last Friday of the month is the Quiz night! And it's back at the Clubhouse on Friday 27th August. Join the fun with The Quiz Inquisitor. Looking forward to welcoming our quiz regulars back at the clubhouse and hoping to see a few new faces.
Giffnock Super 6's is Here! We have some exciting news. Throughout the month of July, we will be running our own super 6s tournament, open to all members AND non-members aged 14 or older. This will take place every Wednesday in July at Eastwood High School pitch from 19:30 [...]
Special Edition - One Year Anniversary of Virtual Open Mic Nights from Giffnock Tennis Squash and Hockey Club, hosted by Hugh, featuring a range of musical talent performing live. Look back through our Virtual Open Mic Nights and send us your requests what performances you'd like to see again. Email events@giffnock-ltc.co.uk. Watch live from 8.30pm [...]
Join the fun! Virtual Quiz Night presented to you by our very own The Quiz Inquizitor.20 team places available on Zoom. Register a team at events@giffnock-ltc.co.uk.Or play along live on YouTube from 8.30pm on Friday 26th March.
Join the fun! Valentine's Special Quiz Night presented to you by our very own The Quiz Inquizitor. Register a team at events@giffnock-ltc.co.uk. Or play along live on YouTube from 8.30pm on Friday 26th February.
Join the fun! "Look back at 2020" Quiz Night presented to you by our very own The Quiz Inquizitor. Register a team at events@giffnock-ltc.co.uk. Or play along live on YouTube from 8.30pm on Friday 29th January.
Giffnock will be hosting a Junior Christmas Matchplay event over three days in December. Please enter online on the LTA website. Closing deadline 5.59pm on Wednesday 23rd December 2020. Tournament starts on 28th December. For further details please contact Craig Smith on tennis.cs@giffnock-ltc.co.uk
Join the fun! Christmas Quiz Night presented to you by our very own The Quiz Inquizitor. Register a team at events@giffnock-ltc.co.uk. Or play along live on YouTube from 8pm on Sunday 27/12/20.