
About Gerard McGuinnity

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So far Gerard McGuinnity has created 53 blog entries.

Hockey Silver Status

2021-10-25T10:40:18+00:00 October 25th, 2021|Hockey Club News|

Hockey Silver Status We are delighted to announce that Giffnock TSH has achieved Scottish Hockey's Silver status again this year. This has been achieved by significantly increasing participation in hockey and holding the section up to high standards. Over the last year we have more than doubled our membership and increased our coaching [...]

Club Champs 2021

2021-09-22T22:02:40+00:00 August 28th, 2021|Club Announcements, Tennis Club News|

Tennis Club Championships 2021 The Club Championships will run from Sunday 12th September through to Saturday 25th September To enter the event you need to go to the LTA competitions system and enter tournament code WSC-21-0179.  You can also enter by clicking Giffnock Tennis Club Championships 2021 | LTA [...]

Giffnock Open 2021

2021-07-25T10:35:30+00:00 July 25th, 2021|Club News, Tennis Club News|

Giffnock Open 2021 The Giffnock Open finished in glorious sunshine on Saturday 17th July. LTA British Tour - Giffnock Open sponsored by Kayfoam Two 13 year old star of the future competed for the ladies singles title with 7th Seed Hephzibah Oluwadare beating Georgiana Mititelu. Runner up from 2 years [...]

Giffnock Hockey Club Pledge

2020-05-01T14:33:00+00:00 May 1st, 2020|Hockey Club News|

Giffnock Hockey Club Pledge Giffnock Hockey has made the #ClubPledge to Scottish Hockey to help to strengthen the hockey community. Thanks to all the volunteers at the Club for their work undertaken so far in the community projects. As part of this initiative we have been running weekly hockey [...]

Giffnock Tennis Challenge

2020-03-26T20:12:47+00:00 March 25th, 2020|Club Announcements, Tennis Club News|

Giffnock Tennis Challenge With the courts currently unavailable due to the lock down, the coaches are looking at innovative ways of keeping tennis skills up and children entertained. There will be a daily Giffnock Tennis Challenge from Mark, Craig or Smithy posted daily on our YouTube channel from Monday 30th [...]